Helpful Insights Kept From Humanity

Religious ones carry a message of believing that such things as tarot readings and so forth of other magical things are forbidden. Some will even say that you get cursed by participating in any such things. But here we go again with indoctrinations that are purely there to keep the masses in the dark, to…

Your Blessings Blocker

IT IS BETTER TO PERCIEVE APPROXIMATELY. REMAIN OPEN TO ALL AND TAKE ALL, WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, INTO CONSIDERATION. Therefore, approximately ... Humans cannot understand everything and for as long as they're in this physical form, they never really truly will. Especially not about creation, about life, the universe, the cosmos. Humans can just…

Noticing My Obsession

It's interesting how I'm noticing the whole time, where all my writing keeps going. It looks like some obsession, and it feels full of urgency. But then I like the idea, that if something is urgent, then a sane human would become as if obsessed till the task is done, or till the issue has…