If you know LOVE truly/purely, then you are not afraid of someones down times, any periods of faliour, misfortune, sadness, pessimism, or any other seemingly negative times. For when you know LOVE, you know that the vibrations of it, is what makes all else dissolve more thoroughly than dissolvent or anything else does its work. 

If you really know LOVE, then you know that love somes like sunshine after each storm. 

If you know LOVE, then you know that all the other things are merely there just to amplify it. 

If you know LOVE, then you know that that it is the contrasting factors that make it shine, that make it grow, that give it its power. 

If you know LOVE, then you know that even the Dalai Lama suffered for LOVE to take over all else. 

Love is not afraid to stand by frustration and suffering, for it knows it is its purpose to accept it, to agree with it and forgive it ~ inorder to dissolve it amd all its portions. 

When you know LOVE truly and purely, then you know there is not one singular felling as its opposite. …then you know that it beats the army of all else without even trying. …without even one single fight. 

When you know LOVE, then you know it gives birth to patience. 

When tou know LOVE, then in this ralm, you recognise a lot of Sheeple and Austridge people.

When you know LOVE, then you feel the pain, the suffering, the anguish, the tribulations, the dispair and frustration, and even the hate, without ever falling for any of it really at all. 

When you know LOVE, your survival judgement of ego, never overwins your loving understanding. 

When you know LOVE, then you agree with all the opposites. 

…because you know that in the acceptance of any fall, it is LOVE which concours everything and all of it all. 

If you don’t recognize LOVE in any given fall, then YOU don’t really know LOVE at all. 

Fear clings to all fake ideas of LOVE, while LOVE dives into hell and rises above, bringing anyone up. 

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