You don't need Magicians, neither witches nor religions. You don't even need any hippies or Gurus or any such things. Instead Of Writing A Book, let's just be simple and flat out. Based on my experiences. It's really as much simple as humans have liked to complicate it. When in fact, there is no initiations…
Helpful Insights Kept From Humanity
Religious ones carry a message of believing that such things as tarot readings and so forth of other magical things are forbidden. Some will even say that you get cursed by participating in any such things. But here we go again with indoctrinations that are purely there to keep the masses in the dark, to…
Without Bees We Will Also Sease To Be.
Let's be informed, so we can know what to do! Here is life important info.
Wise Love Is Profound
Wise Love Is not head over heels. Wise Love Is Not infatuation, nor just based on attraction or something of the falling kinds. Wise Love Is loving for the good feeling and understanding you experience with someone. If you can say, I love you for loving my care and cuddles, my touch and efforts. If…
A Happy Birthday Without A Party
June 2'nd 2021 I feel so calm. I feel content and good. Everything fits. And I'm in bed at 00:23 already, which I find perfect on top of a pleasing day. Even though it all went by so fast.
Human Reality Experiments
! Because most people think of themselves as not ignorant, no matter how ignorant they actually are! A brilliant example of that, are all those who think they have a "type" of looks and likes to match them, in other words factors based on mere superficials, such as visuals (which obviously include such illusory things,…
Your Blessings Blocker
IT IS BETTER TO PERCIEVE APPROXIMATELY. REMAIN OPEN TO ALL AND TAKE ALL, WITH A GRAIN OF SALT, INTO CONSIDERATION. Therefore, approximately ... Humans cannot understand everything and for as long as they're in this physical form, they never really truly will. Especially not about creation, about life, the universe, the cosmos. Humans can just…
SmilaZ Expla-Quotes

Don't stress. Have no fears. Make space for the Magic in your life. ~ Fears are such things as worries, hurt feelings, jealousy and envy. In general all non-good feeling things are stress og different intensities, which all cause your body to create toxin within itself, and is why we say stress kills. Trying to controll everything,…
Oh Sister-friend, My Love
You, my love, my sister, my other half, my closest lifelong friend, I know you better than anyone ever will. I even know you better that I know anyone. You, my love, my sister, my other half, my closest lifelong friend, You!, you too often bring the worst side out of another. And you used…
Trust Your Heart More Than Anything Or Anyone
GENERALLY, TRUST YOUR HEART, NOT YOUR FEARS. I live more from the heart, and so that's why it's okay that I don't remember all the details from research/learning/studying, it's okay that I mostly don't remember all the details about how I came to feel conclusions of so and so or this and that. ~ I…