The Craft Stunning In It's Detail Of Fine-cut Bamboo the useful of the beautiful while symbolizing & evoking PEACE & TRANQUILITY ~ EXPANSION ENHANCEMENT OF PERSONAL PRESENCE ~ SELF-PRESERVATION & SELF WORTH ~ "Presciousness" 'raw elegance' by SmilaZ
New Video Footage! YES! Now I’m curious.
Cool, I like feeling curious, so this is great. Something exiting and fun. And next, immediately I'm suspecting my iPad for being outdated for this kind of task, again. But I optimistically go for it and open the files ... and this is what I got ! Yep!, that is all we get for now…
Trauma-house; Greenhouse Berlin
I have wild and insane and agravating memories from this so-called artisthouse. But now with the distance to that past chapter, the memories are funny, because I'm amazed that I had such a weird experience. Even the inspirations were weird as hell.
Realizing Who And What Makes Me So sad n’ small
Throughout my whole life, it seems to happen, that I eventually start seeing that I underestimate myself, and that this is what I begin to notice when looking deeply and as objectively as I manage, from all different sides,aspects,angles ...this is what accumulates trouble inside me the most. ...the dumming myself down to fit into…
Have you ever felt seeing life like this?
High On Life Itself Here
Another sunny good-morning alone, feeling the peace in the harmony of life itself as it naturally/universally is. ..without any overtaking influence of the "life" that I am (we are) otherwise so consumed by. ..which is, so-to-say, not natural, which is somehow not in sync. with the natural flow of our universe. To sum it up…
You Put That In Your Mouth!
"Unusual"!? Both, little cafe-restaurants and private homes have this weirdness. BUT it always seems like I'm the only damn one who notices the details of things!? Whenever I have to eat somewhere and see this, then it's clear they don't have a dishwasher. ...and if in a restaurant, I just ask for a spoon. ...…
High IQ & Lost And Useless?
AM I SO INTELLIGENT THAT IT MAKES ME STUPID!? ..well obviously it can not be, that I should be so stupid that it makes me intelligent. OR am I just so plain mediocre!?, but when I pay attention to the most of people, it is clearly not that either. So maybe I am just…
GOOD HEALTH shift made easy by the ELDERS!

Loose fat EASY, healthy and naturally!, incl. strengthen hair, skin, nails, overall health! Weather you’re vegetarian or vegan, you will not reject medicinal treatment whenever it is the only get-well/healing option, such as a woman I used to know did, when she got a stomac infection in india, and refused medicine, so that she actually…
Where Is The Intelligent Life (keep growing, or rotting)
"Why City Life - is rather very - Zombie Life" Bores me to insanity! Just too many REDICULOUS FACTS all around, making me feel; Has the world gone totally mad or what!? ( ( ( now, clearly the most brilliant idea one could dust up here (in a case such as mine) will be, to…