The Human Design, is SO OBVIOUSLY a present for the human species, and that especially (but not at all only) within the sectors of psychology and psychiatry, school systems (all edgucation) and all relationships, both privately and professionally.

Understanding who, or rather how we, each individually really are, at the very basis of our own nature, asside all what we have learned and tried to learn, more purely from the very day that we were born. And such deep insight would obviously save us a lot of misinterpreting, mistakes, miseducating, etc. and so on and on.

Imagine being able to thoroughly understand any child, from the very beginning of their lives. ..or understanding your seemingly mean brother, or weird mother or sister, or lucky friend,or even someone you admire.

Just imagine!

Because this option does exist, available to pretty much anyone.

Imagine that your family, your parents, siblings and even your teachers in school, would have had an insight, to why you are the way you are, what your natural talents and tendencies are, etc. and so on., imagine that they would have known what abilities you naturally have, for you to sharpen for example, which leads to you being in your element. Imagine that they would never be trying to push you against you very own nature, as they’d be aware of what yours is and isn’t

Imagine that instead of trying to just raise/bring up, school you and otherwise generally correct you and each and every one of us, imagine that they would have been able to actually understand us profoundly, and had known how to best assist you regarding all different types of things on the way of growing up, weather that be, how to deal with you tough or perhaps sensitive being, or knowing how to best approach your weaknesses, or get the best of your strengths, or how to best go about teaching you some subject, how to catch your interest, or you name it!

One tiny example, of my very own, is how all my closest friends, who had sides, that I didn’t really understand (but would rather just guess and judge to be sings of fakeness and other pretending ~ lying), eventually got perfectly explained to me through “meeting” an inexplicable creation of our time, that formed system which can identify such personal uniqueness in details. Which helps explain us to each other, in a way that no other system can.

As most anyone, I had my own ideas about, weather why he or she would tend to be doing this or that, behave like this or that, or why he/she tends to react to this n that types of things, in such or such ways.

FOR A SLIGHTLY DETAILED EXAMPLE; a girl I grew up with, would always wind up in bad company, whenever I would not be around for a longer time. I thought she had some rotten/self-destructive tendency, as if wanting to die young or become a looser one day by own free will n choise (even though she was one of the best in school, and learns anything, better than most people).

But then it happened that I was hanging out, nearly the whole summer of 2007, with a girl named Alissa, who worked for the Human Design (previously called Genetic Keys). Alissa was so into her work that she was living it, so that being around her pretty much daily, she would happen to share more and more about this whole system with me, and in very practical ways. At first she started out with telling me all she could, about my own HD chart, so that became like a Basis of my understanding the HD. Then I got to know about some of her chart, and gradually some of the charts of our mutual friends. And so, as I eventually at some point started understanding enough about this system, I became really curious, and started wondering about some of my “old” friends, mostly back in Denmark (especially the trouble ones, uncommon ones, incl. the seemingly most lucky ones as well).

Eventually Alissa would look up the few ones, that I dared bother her for, and it turned out that, for example, my “rotten sister-friend” is not actually bad as such, but rather so undefined, that you could call her empty (which is also why, she is learning anything so fast and easy ~ I’d like to say in.other words, she is overly easy programmable). Above all, her HD chart showed, that she is more lost on her own in this world, than not.

But the very first thing Alissa said when she had her first look at my “lil’sister’s” HD was, You should go get her!, I can see why you guys have stayed friends all your lives, you complete and strengthen eachother in really good ways. Where is she? You should probably get her to come here. And since I know my little sis all my life, I understood this immediately and now with this insight I could see how she was absolutely right about that being a good thing for us.

As Alissa was looking at our charts properly in combination with each other, now I told her that we had met at age 8 and 9, and even though she is the worst best-friend that I kept taking back, and she has caused me more shitty suffering, than any friend ever has, we somehow were always inseparable at he same time from the moment we met, from the start, and grew to be like sisters throughout our lives. Through all the fights and make-ups, I accepted her as my black sheep/spoiled and egoistic little sister.

Without ever meeting her, Alissa was able to explain, how she could see, that our designs, sort of complete each other, ~so that we are more complete together, in ways that make us both, much stronger and over all better.

And when I eventually (years later) explained some of it to my sister-friend, she said that she also felt and knew these things were right on, and there was also nothing new to any of us in the fact that, yes we do voth handle the world better and/or easier, the more often we get to be together.

Another breaf example (even seemingly silly), was another girl, that I was friends with for many years, who tended to always play with my “buttons”, emotions and such. She was a girl who’s shoulder I could never lean on, when hurt/weak/feeling lost. She would only be a good friend for someone in simple easy need, and only if she felt, that there was something to gain, such as connections or any other type of upgrading, especially status-feeling upgrades, and to me mostly even just for upgrading her objective on something. But she was my only intellectual friend, which is something I treasure so much to have, so I told myself to take the good with the bad, ~love her how she is and enjoy the good sides of her, etc. But througout time, I also noticed, that she would tend to agree about major topics, and have nearly all the same opinions as I do, about most things, but then I’d hear her agree on the very opposite, with other friends, and so of course I though she was being fake to us all!

BUT, it turned out that she herself alone, with herself alone, with her own “Human Design”, is not defined in her mind, ~not fixed with her own opinions and such, her system, her mind is rather more just influenced by the favorites of her social environments opinions, mainly of people of course, which basically becomes her viewpoint found through the people around her, the people connected with her, within her aura, so to say.

Alissa also said, ,,this girl could be a politician”, that she has the design of a politician. Makes perfect sense to me from how I know that girl. …and her many different sides and character-plays. But she herself always wanted to be an actress, (and she did finally do the acting school, in her 30’s).

A nother little example of the Human Design system, is with a girl from my most globetrotting dancer times; I was best friends with a colleague of mine, who I lived with, worked and traveled with. We did everything together, 24/7. She was such a naturally happy for nothing and incredibly lucky airhead, with no fixed opinions either, and not much anything to say in a social conversating setting. And by the time I wanted to look at her design, I already knew enough about HD, to be able to guess some things sometimes, in this case that my dancer friend MUST obviously have undefined head-centers, and a defined spleen (also called, the feel-good-center) connected directly to her heart-center, which is as well called the heart-center and the ego. I was stunned to see that I was absolutely right.

And the thing with that is, that apparently people with the completed gate, connecting and defining the spleen and ego, are the happy-go-lucky types. Meaning, that it is in their nature, it is naturally their way of being, their attitude & expectations are set by that, to just be happy and lucky, and that not at all out of being smart and clever at all! Rather, they just are so, by their own design from birth. Even when they get hurt, they can cry for a few minutes, wipe their eyes and be over it. While for others hurt lingers for a longer while.

Meanwhile, I had given up music (in 1995), sadly discouraged from both my dad and my research about the industry.

And approx 2years later I finally completed my mission impossible, of how to get out of tiny little Denmark (a cozy and overprotected sheeple-nation), to be traveling ~which for me meant, to be freely changing country, whenever I want. And while it had now become, year 2007, the summer during which I had met lovely Alissa, I was convinced, without any speculations, that music was something I had lost by leaving it behind. ….even though I had been singing since I started speaking, and was born to musician parents, from a whole performing arts family.

But one of the first things Alissa had told me about my Human Design, was that I have the complete channel of making music, which is one of the gates going from the emotional-center, and all the way up into the throat-center. This felt both good and sad to know, that it was in fact, exactly as I had always felt it, for all of my life. ~it felt like my thing in life, my destiny, something that was just meant to be, was singing and making music. And so, now, it was confirmed /made all the more clear to me, by a stranger from the outside, that my dad truly had, as I though, really succeeded in destroying my most natural thing, my element, which I enjoyed muc. One of those somethings for which I had a natural gift (the gift of singing, which also used to take me out of sadness anytime throughout my teens, when I’d practice alone at home).

But a couple of years later, in winter 2009, while still living on Ibiza, I was to my own surprise, drawn and kind of pushed into making music again. And I didn’t even hasitate, which was even more surprising. And it was a surprise x3!, when I realized that I could songwrite better now, than I could before. For me personally, this was yet another proof, of the realness of my HD.

In the screenshots (of a chat) bellow, I am explaining HD a bit more.

Genetic Keys

I am in no way, trying to promote the business, that Human Design has become. I get nothing, no commissions or any such thing from this. What I am trying to do, is to share this incredible opportunity of propper insight, to how each individual is uniquely designed, or perhaps rather, how each individual has developed, on their way into this life.

Though I must say, that for the kind of deep insight of experience, as the one I myself have had, as I describe in all the above, does unfortunately require more, than just getting your free chart on the original Human Design website. That means, as you will find on their page, a full personal chart reading, OR self-studying through their books, is required.

I would like, however, to travel around, giving speaches about my HD experiences, to properly spread the awareness of this tool, to businesses, institutions and crowds of private people, because I see and feel, that it is actually highly needed, in our messy human world.

As well, for choosing what profession to spend you life on, if one wants to make it as personally unique of a choise, as possible, HD is the only clarifying tool, besides your own intuition, which can be hard and/or confusing to hear/feel and/or to make sense of, whereas HD is much easier to understand, than intuition is. least most of us are not so good at, or so used to, understanding,mhearing and making sense of our own intuition just yet. Perhaps HD might even help us a bit (or alot) with that, as well.

In an article by Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent, Contributor to the HuffPost, Chetan Parkyn replies to the following question.

2 – You believe that having a strong sense of self can help people find happiness and fulfillment in life. Please explain how Human Design informs people about who they are and how this can help them change their lives for the better.

Knowing who you are deep down, and honoring that true nature, is a fundamental aspect to finding fulfillment. As I say in the book, it’s about the four A’s: Accepting your true nature leads to an Allowing which catalyzes an Awakening that brings a personal Authenticity. Human Design reminds you of the person you were born to be and asks whether you’re currently living true to that design? Who wouldn’t want to know the blueprint of their personality? The actual structure of their inner-being? We have been given all sorts of rule systems and identities to follow blindly whether they have any bearing on our reality at all. This state of disassociation from our true Self is what is actually responsible for all the pain and misery in this world.

We are moving into the age of the individual where everyone lives their life according to their own nature; a period that challenges us to be more accountable to ourselves. Human Design not only attunes someone to their own unique nature but also clarifies and demonstrates how each individual can make better decisions that are in accord with their own nature. This is enormously empowering and freeing! If we recognize within ourselves what suits us best we find a life that is constantly fulfilling.

( to continue /to read the full interview, see references bellow)


one can as well, even get charts for ones pet.


Read more on this topic HERE !

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HuffPost interview with Chetan Parkyn

Human Design website by Ra Uhu Ru

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