To know love, say from that someone who knows you really, who can tell from your face if you’re deep in thoughts that don’t feel good, or if something is hurting your wellbeing feeling. That is love.
To know love, from that someone who knows you really, to whom you can speak your mind of the moment, no matter how crazy or stupid, no matter how angry or whatever, the ones of love will always stand by you, understanding that you are not your mood, that even if you said the ugliest thing, they do not fear, so they do not judge, they know that it means nothing, because they know your good heart, your feelings and morals, and take you for the same person, always recognising you. That is love.
To know love, is to be fearless. To be fearless is to trust what you know. Without fear you can easily see the child in anyone, see through to the core of a person and recognise, that there’s parts of you in everyone. That is love.
To know love, means trusting in the good of anyone or anything, no matter what. Knowing that trusting the bad that may come up, will make you let go of the good, just to hold on to the bad, which makes us needlessly defend and fight.
Do you know love, or do you tend to self-pityfully or fearfully be falling into defence, fight and blaming? Or are you of love, resting in the universe all content, and seeing through those blind spots of weaknesses in everyone???