In the midds of all the fuss of the authoritarian world, frustrated humans are more than ever everywhere, and as one of them is one close to me, I’m already getting very good in my practices of being not only aware of my thoughts, but also choosing better thoughts, and it sure helps, but obviously does not make the issues of frustrated people go away, neither does it make me immune to their disturbing, frustrating, down pulling and destructive energies.

And so as if suddenly, I ask myself; What all do you want to be in the world? Feels like it’s a good subject to focus in on at this time. And that especially because I know this will be a subject of good feeling Possitive content. And that content will give some contrasts for me to feel stronger.

What you wanna be in this case, has nothing to do with the material in the world, but just with you as a natural human among your fellow human species.
So it not about things like “I wanna be rich, or, be skinny, or be a bodybuilder.”
It’s about the component details of who you wanna be as a human. If you imagine that we, all of us humans, were just all in the pure nature, as if there was no money and material World of possessions and “prescribed/pre-created” wanna be factors for anyone to play or chase.

Make a list of your good:
etc. whatever of such you can think of!
Your knowledge

All from a place of searching your natural good feeling intent for living from your heart, to be free to follow your heart’s pure feeling. Live alive, waking up feeling curious and  joyfully alive and living.

One thought on “All That You Wanna Be

  1. Hoping for a better energy soon 🤞the best way in life is not a system (of money, work ect) it’s the feeling that matters. So many people can’t even feel themselves in the process of acceptance and power. Even the feeling of pain can be difficult for some people to feel. So many selvdestruktiv in the world, eating disorder, self-harm and so on.. and if they start to feel they get selvdestruktiv or harm other people. Something is definitely wrong but people think that they are safe if they just go on as always.. sad but true😔

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