
image: the new electromagnetic frequency radiation patterns (of wireless technologies) surrounding earth since 2020

Intro. / Foreword

Even though grewing up might have been an intensified-bilingual situation, which then intensively synchronised my left and right brains to cooperate habitually till that became naturally. And even though one would then think it should all be so much easier for me in life, it definitely isn’t. If anything perhaps the opposite of easier. And I am totally effected by the global situation as everybody else, in fact my life is in comple ruins, without exaggeration.
I’m the type of person who fits in everywhere and nowhere, but not even that is easy, as it sounds.
In fact the whole way I’ve lived, and thereby the whole way I function, is for the most part rather outside the normal, and it is more and more so throughout my whole life. Even my interests are different then that of most people’s, and are not of the classic being EnterTained kinds that everyone consideres relaxing for their convenience. For which I’m somehow just to curious about the real life and all that is real in it. …while at the same time I’m well aware of the dilema, that some mere 70 to a 100 years is much too short of a lifespan to really learn much, and I feel that I want to know that I really lived as fully as I could in this lifetime. So fiction and most entertainment, all worshipping and most superficial things just don’t fit into any feel good sense for me.
Perhaps some of these ways of my being so different next to most everyone, is also what not only makes my interests seem so serious, but also what makes me ponder and think about different things than others, pickup on different things in general, and tend to see the complexities of things, people, situations and constellations, a great deal of the time, and get bored to even sad and eventually dysfunctional, if I don’t get to stretch my mind all the time, pretty much every day.
So now these days, with more severe devision of humans and more severe entrapment then ever, as the new normal since 2020 has set its claws, the only interesting most stimulating factor always available to me naturally, is now my own mind, most of the time to even all the time. And that is so famously known for not being the best thing, and it surely isn’t for a natural thinker by design like me. I know that all too well, but it does at least tend to be good for the world around me/my environment, it does tend to be so damn good for others. And in so different ways, both good and bad.
I’m here to share some, about a fraction of my knowledge and understanding, from the life long mission, of thoroughly getting to know and understand as much of all in this life as possible.
In A Progress
Fuelled By The Lead Of Profits …
Walls of technological CONVENIENCES, that we’ve all helped build as we go about things without wisdom, are what is keeping our species trapped. Trapped in prescribed hamstewheel lives, trapped in discomfort ~ stress and therefore in disease.
We’re locked away in our self-made captivity, plus unnaturally as if connecting, while we’re in reality by now almost completely disconnected, and are even keeping ourselves away from our own nature, and that since so long that if civilization got all destroyed by some natural or human disaster, then far from enough of us would even know enough about how to survive in the wild, to not end up accidentally killing ourselves (either by poison or unlucky falling), and if not that then starving or freezing to death would all to easily get us, and if not into death then into some brutal insanity of desperation.
Urgently as ever, even though last chances have been missed over and over again, we now don’t have to just stop killing our planet, we actually have to restore it now.
But in this big picture, before we can do what needs to be done, we first have to remind our awareness of its nature and knowledge, and thereby we naturally refocus.
Now with the “effects of 2020”, most of us might be noticing, that all of us who don’t live with some lovely lively family or friends, we’ve got nothing but our devices with the new substitute for human life connection, the Internet.
It is undeniably unhealthy and depressing in the long run, of which we have much more than enough evidence, and yet we keep reinforcing it, as if programmed for self destruction.
Being used to living a very active life, and always being outside, due to the climates that I normally choose, since I’m a lifelong globetrotter, it feels very unhealthy now as I find myself sitting in Munich, a babylon of concrete, and worst of all I’m stuck in this climate and my skinn is freaking out. It’s just grey winter and there nothing interesting or properly useful to do.
I’m intelligent enough to know that if intelligence ran our world, then we wouldn’t be ruled in such ways as we are, and we would never be directed to do self-destructive things with and from out of fears generated by all that leads us in our free time as well as in our working time, from Holywood to politics.
Yet I know I’m part of a species that has been tricked by conveniences, which are now stacked against my whole Race.
Trapped by walls of technological conveniences we are.
Volunteerly imprisoned we are, behind these walls that we were set up to build for ourselves.
Whenever we create something of freedom that works and spreads out enough, then it always becomes infiltrated or even completely take over by tyranny.
It’s well over decades ago that someone knowledgeable first said, that we forgot to keep progressing and growing as humans, while we have instead been (as if hypnotised by) only progressing and growing technology, ~ that we got into times where our lives became increasingly unnatural, everything progressing too fast because economy runs humans (but not the earth).

Alright so we fell for some (seemingly scam-like) idea, that natural should be primitive. Which is obviously insane when natural is what is devine here in this physical reality that we’re experiencing life as.

Meanwhile the progressive (unfortunately non mainstream) sciences show, not only the difference between all that’s of human emotion, but also the inevitable effects our emotion feeling state of being has on our physical human body.

And not only that, also the energy we measure as frequency, shows that all the different human emotions are of two types, being literally as simple as good and bad. Being able to measure the energy frequency of each and every different human feeling state of being, basically shows to summ all our different states of feeling up into two different types, or categories if you will, where all good feeling emotions belong into one frequencies category so to say, and equally the bad feeling emotions as well belong together in a category of their own.

On top of that we also know that these two different categories of feelings/emotions, each have the equivalent frequencies to that of either love or fear. And from here on the different effects of these two categories of human feelings/emotions are easy to guess; yes one is of all different types of stress, destructive and damaging (causing all illnesses by deteriorating to the physical body’s health~and thereby the immune system), while the other category is of all different types of restoring and even healing energies, and thereby restoring and boosting the physical body’s system ~ the immune system.

It is no longer speculation at all, if the (for the most part) invisible state of human feeling has any effects on the physicality of life, we know is has and that the effects are severe and inevitable.
We humans have gotten so used to the ideas that all the things we do that cause us stress are nessesary things. Basically because our lives are too short to know the knowledge and wisdoms of the past, and are not taught of those, we then stay under the proposed beliefs that natural is primitive, as well within us as a species we’re equally somehow made to believe, that we would all be more of wild and primitive being if we didn’t have the current laws systems, rules and regulations that we have, even though it is all in fact torturing the whole of our human our physical well being. It turns out that what we can learn and practice using this knowledge to consciously choose our feeling state ~ of resonance, energy, frequency, electromagnetic frequencies, meaning we can those out thoughts and what we give our attention to, accordingly. It also means that the crazy ideas that some people should have cured deadly diseases via feel good practice, are not crazy at all, but in fact as real as we are.
Asside all that, though of course all connected, the same (progressive instead of mainstream) scientists also tell us that the facts of physical existence make the movie Matrix be more of a documentary than anything else. So we do live in a holographic reality, and it’s made up of energy. And as you now know, different energies have different frequencies.
So if all the energy frequencies of our thoughts and feelings are of two kinds, either fear or love, which is then either destructive or regenerating, then obviously we are self regulating for one, and two we are so very obviously instead of being the most intelligent grown wise, we are the fooled species, who’s intelligence (our very nature) has been neglected, disrespected, and finally by now it is all deteriorated, degenerated.
While we’ve been bussy following that carrot hanging in front of us so that we’ll never get it, we’ve been progressing in technology and getting obsessed with industrial = economic growth.
And even though all the effects of that are ruining our only home, this Overy Abundant Planet (which is in fact the glfamous paradise) , we still follow authorities into the inevitable abys, trustingly as if they were our parents.
The unhealthily human intelligence is able to make us deny what we can’t bare, and that is denial so intense that we are allowing our own destruction, instead of standing up as we would with a healthy intelligence, and take responsibility ourselves as people!
We can read all this without the real sense of urgency that it actually is, as our intelligence is so numbed and dumbed down that we are even able to finish reading and just go passively-about-it, back to our lives of everything wrong, just because we are so Used to it all, so accustomed to it all that the truth and inevitable end of us is just something we can’t comprehend, due to the fears that are attached to the process of facing reality. But we think we know reality, and that we know it all well enough, even though it would actually take knowing all truth about everythingEverything, which we by far don’t.
There is still the megalithic opportunity within the problem, and we can still make anything we want out of everything that is. …if we awake from the hypnotic slumber of the ways things are. We clearly can not trust authority to know what’s right, the way we have been, as they are clearly only human as well, and have not managed to improve anything at all. In fact everything has only been getting worse and worse throughout the decades, which at least no one can argue against unless they don’t know enough about what’s happening in the world, such as the decreasing oxygen and close to irreversibly high amounts of carbon in our atmosphere.
Let’s not forget, that the more humans move their physical bodies, the more we’ll they feels and the overall healthier they are, not just physically, but as well mentally emotionally, psychologically, and cognitively.
ART (convenience is what is stacked against you)
As we’re now becoming more aware, we are awaking from the slumber that is keeping us away from our own human(of this earth) responsibilities, our own natural responsibilities, which is what is keeping us feeling so powerless.

As everything is industrialised and we accustomed to it due to our short lifespans. having us without the memories of all times, we are unable to see and therefore don’t realise the wrongs, and for the same reasons we would also not notice that the very key to life, which is (no matter how silly it may seem) love, is within our human society also so-to-say imprisoned by industrialisation, keeping it from being love fully and freely you could say, keeping its full original realness from our lives, while we go on believing (due to only knowing) the industrialised version of it. While the frequency of creation, for example when a seed grows, when anything grows, is all (as scientifically measured) of the energy frequency of love. Also the frequency of all perfectly healthy life is harmonious, and as well measured as as the frequency of love.

All at the same time we have become so simple that we percieve harmony as being some sort of constantly Buddha like state, feeling nothing but peace and amusement. But everything fluctuates, and our original and forever most important challenges and responsibilities as humans of earth, are to keep studying and nourishing our nature, which is this very planet and all its living things including each other and ourselves. And all that in this exact order.
There are always exceptions to every rule, weather it be what harmonious being is, or the fact that in some cases on some levels we do have to put ourselves first. What too many of os have lost is the wisdom (which is grown with and through love) from which we know perfectly when it is that we best put ourselves lves first, or knowing all the different sides and types of harmonious, all depending the given thing, situation and constellation.

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