Wisdom says, to ‘Never Part In Anger’

The subject of monogamy is a perfect example of, how we’re raised in ways/with ideas that cause us the kinds of  battles that separate us. Selfpitty accompanied with anger/hate, is what exist amongst us, though not as a rare thing, but as a part of our daily lives.

~ We as an entire species are basically without much any wisdom.

Many are lucky to meet wisdom on their way in life. Particularly those who spend time living in different cultures. But too many live from a place of logic etc, or better said from the brain, while it is only those who live from the heart, who will be able to grow any wisdom, and connect with most wisdom.

From all the facts of the most recent scientific realisations, one can also put it very simple and say, that the heart is the intuitive connection, while the brain is the ego (the little primitive/helpless thing) .

This perfectly explains why brain (the one of the IQ factor) or let’s just call it brain-people, so why brain-people (sounds so smart) remain too much in their ego (which is full of nitpicking and petty fears and fobias),
while the heart (the one of the intelligence factor), let’s call it heart-people (sounds so whiny sensitive, weak, even pathetic perhaps) remain more in their heart (which is a state with the tendency to be so selfless, so yes it must all too often hurt, in such a messed up cold world).

In life’s bussy survival and stival games, it all turns into perceptions that are causing such things as “you cheated on me”, which is a perception state of someone treating you wrong. But while in reality, that person was treating their self to some experience without you, meaning you were not even part of the equation, as you’re not siamesic twins! You vere obviously not part of that reality in those moments, for if you were, then it would not even have happened, HATEVER IT Was. It doesn’t sound wise because it isn’t. And very similarly it goes for so many things between people, not just regarding cheating.
       We all make some strange mistakes, and we tend to not understand other people’s mistakes until we ourselves happen to experience at least bits and pieces of constellations that make us feel in ways that cause the effects on us to do something we otherwise never would do, and from at least such bits and pieces of different events, we can puzzle together more understanding for more of other peoples mistakes, which helps us to be forgiving, instead of perceiving things so that we just become victim, which makes us suffer (~ get lost in ego) and throw blame.

Only the ego keeps creating/devloping its judging, while the heart keeps creating/developing its understanding.

Growing up with wisdom would cause the vast majority of us, by far, to be living more from the heart, by which we then understand each other more, and hardly ever have to be judging. And that would generate a more loving world, which means less insecurities, which means more connection and therefore less loneliness, all of which is what is in our retarded reality now, causing so many to keep making unwise mistakes on a daily basis, which in other words are even needless mistakes.

Cheating comes out of the lack of connection and understanding, two things which cause lots of other side effects. Alternatively of course hormones out of balance also tend to cause cheating as well, but is much more rare. (But hormonal imbalance is also allowed/caused by our lack of wisdom, via chemicals and other types of stress to our being ~and through that to our immune.)

Everything leds back to the lack of wisdom. We better implement any and all factors that lead to wisdom, in our upbringing as well as in any schooling. Otherwise we’re obviously doomed as a species (and will even take so much of everything, if not all, down with us).

But humanity is so hypnotised and locked up in all their factors of conveniences, that they not just don’t have the attention span anymore, but they are also for the most part just brain people, not heart people, because heart people grow some  wisdom.
And looking at our world of constant imbalance, fears and other stress, it is clear that the majority by far, are brain-people.

Prevent Fights and Wars; don’t part in anger.


We need more heart people!
Weather we implement, may it be things like philosophy and what have you that supports and inspires deeper being, we have to implement all what leads more of our norms to bring us more to the intelligent being of the heart feeling state.

One can best say, that only the heart can grow wisdom for you, if your brain follows your heart. Since the brain on its own, is rather mechanical and calculating compared to the heart. The heart is rather the sensing/feeling one, through which we also get intuition.
But heart and brain coherently together, can do wonders, even heal pretty much anything (which is then usually called ‘Spontanious Healing’ and/or ‘spontanious remission’ (spontanious because such healing is typically the most rapid of all healing).

Let’s just face the fact atleast, that ego brings things out of proportion, while the love brings more and more understanding.

Last but not least, everyone deserves to know, that the chemicals that the body creates (within itself) from any type of stress, weather tiny or small, big or megalithic, we become used to those chemicals, and overtime that turns into something exactly like addiction, which then causes us to keep supporting the creation of the stresses that create and release the given chemical within the body, regardless of weather its poisoning or healing. And of course the reality is that by far most humans grow up learning from life (as we currently run it), so that our entire species lean much more to the stress/poisoning side than the goodfeeling/healing side.

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