There’s all these blind spots in life. We encounter them all the time, on a daily basis. They exist in all shapes and forms, types and shades, and so forth. And on all levels of life and all things. Blind spots can be anything. People saying something but feeling or thinking totally differently, and leaving you with blind-spots. Even in how well you know your own self there are some blinds-pots. Blind-spots can be many or few, important or less important. But they can be anywhere, it all depends.

Whenever we meet those blind spots, then mostly something unfortunate happens, simply because we’re generally all raised with enough failure to have insecurities/ego issues , which all affect our perception of the moment, everso often or all the time.

Now, when it comes to human connection, weather of two or however many, the blind-spots have been popping up and become so many more, than they have otherwise been in our time. The fact that people now connect too much online compared to how much they are connecting in real/physical form as the human nature requires it as a part of its wholeness.

So much deatails for all our senses go lost through the digital “world”, it’s become like a second life, another life only slightly based on this one. But not only is there too many blind spots popping up in humanity’s lives, but also more insecurities. All in all more disconnectedness from your own trbe.

It is alarming because, to not have blind spots keep causing destructive effects, at best you need to be more or less insecure-free, to not end up having battles and wars, hate and apathy, all for nothing!, but we just being half blind and half deaf (“borderline retarded”) from all our blind spots in life. …weather those be about people, situations, constellations, feelings, about our own self, our neighbour, in love itself and in empathy, they are everywhere those blind bastard spots, in all of our everything, even about our own chemistry, even our bodily abilities and functions.

I say half blind and half deaf and call it borderline retarded, because this explains some of why my species are too easy to fool, and have already since too long been too parted.

But so we need to be authentic confidant beings (not bling-blings and fancy trend naive lost fools), to be able to deal with all our blind spots in life. Of course being of love, living from the heart, helps a whole lot. But instead our insecurities are multiplying as well again now. Perhaps humanity is really just so screwed. Or perhaps just enough for that natural smack in the face, of “what goes around comes around” nature, just enough to shake us all up into the awoken state of being.

Even if the eugenics “club” (of B.Gates and Rockefeller and such people) would succeed in depopulating, it will not change the bad disaster outcomes for them, because to begin with, they obviously don’t have any wisdom for ever making any such thing happen. And this fact doesn’t change one bit if they are here on earth or in space.

Everything of those 6000 richest people (who out-own all governments combined), from technology to food to Pharma and all our resources, everything they touch rots from within from thereafter and on.

Metaphorically speaking, Humanity is living in a blind spots war, and the whole Covid Theater fuels the fire so perfectly with now even making people fear each other much more than ever, and not be more social meeting up in real, but actually be even more online instead, growing the insecurities even stronger, really feeding them. And all that at a time where the masses are loosing their lifeline ~ their money as well.

Borderline Retarded Perception
listens, while Money Greedy businessman dares to tell their perception, that we’re not ready for a virus, as he basically creates the idea right there in the open, in everybody’s mind.  There nothing much to hide in front of those who know too little to telly understand.

skillful stealing is also
not always nessesary
to hide either
is fist of all before anything else due our lack of knowledge. You can’t really be nor even see what you don’t really know. But there’s a much bigger and much worse virus, our very money system, its value and its rules and regulations or lack there of. Our system of money is the weak part not ready for any damn virus, nor to support the life of the living, because its not even ready for any intelligent species to accept what it really is made of, but again hardly anyone has the knowledge about how the money system works against them instead of for them. They don’t know it, so they can’t see it.
       Another dangerous and deadly virus is our medicine/pharma industry, schooling our health professionals, doctors, nurses and so on with lies and twisted truths, all for the profits and status, not for any wise  treatments, for the loving care of people.

The rulerships and authorities of humanity, … are generally all loveless systems, completely without wisdom.
They don’t even pick up in that they have been out powered by a mere of 6000 of the richest billionaires and the whole big bad tech. So really, it’s now that we are facing, that it’s done and over. Our systems are all rotten now. And  nothing can be done about rott. The only option is to stop wasting time with it. There’s nothing good to ever come from it except compost or  fire.
       But we do actually truly have all that we need and more, for gathering and connecting all of our skills, connecting all our most wise ones, to organise and form teams and networks, for creating all the new highly skillful and Perfectly Wise  systems, with all the values in the right places, to create the intelligent renewal that it takes to save our human world, by literally making radical changes.

The whole big Grand kindergarten Theater is all ready for burning.

The sign of a rulership above your leaderships, is the very efforts for spreading fear in the mainstreams. Weather it be in form of causing them to fight amothst each other, or judge each other, percieve from plain wrong information or even wrong whole subjects and whatever.

Divide the people if you want to rule.
And in order to divide you must strategise for poverty and above all fear amongst them all.

If I was to be the coldest careless I can imagine, I’d have played my cards right and outsmarted my ways to the powerful billionaire life. Once that powerful, surely as a coldest careless one, I’d keep hiring the top best of all experts, even if through generations!, to gradually but surely keep working on skillfully manipulating and adjusting, with the power of money and skills, to gradually have the whole system of money serving me and my friends, till we (underneath it all) own it all. Then we have out powered the governments without them even noticing. Ha, and the world becomes ours. Our LIVE boardgame planet, for our spoiled rotten taste of amusement. AND THERE’LL BE SO MANY BLIND-SPOTS, that people will be all lost about everything including about themselves.

A blind spot that we must get rid of ~ by making it known is that   It does take that really ill type of primitive, like the power hungry battle oriented creation of a human, and then the most cold greedy of those, to actually ever end up with insane amounts of billions.
The exceptions, as there are to every rule, are few. And even they may get lured into insanities at the lonely top, weather through community type of norms or simple group pressure.

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