Love has so much more to it than just the mere falling in love and raising children, much of which is mere illusions and attachments, and the nature of ego who’s job rather is to keep us well and alive, and not to be sticking its nose into our relationships and what not.

Love is empathy, the will and care to be feeling with someone else’s feelings. This requires a being of heart, that is as well a rather fearless ego, which makes up a simply brave being. But it is through this fearless feeling being of love, that we can grow some wisdom. And there is no wisdom without heart/love/god/intelligence.

And that is a part of the natural meaning of life.

So we’re supposed to be growing love, discovering and learning ongoingly, so that our participance in life becomes a good one, which then just keeps getting better, as a good side effect.  And yes, only while of love, only while living from the heart, can you ever really grow any wisdom. No endless amount of experience can make up for what we can learn through being of heart, living through the heart/our intelligence. But simply just because the heart is the intelligent, and responsible for out  intuitive. In fact the heart, as rather recently discovered, has its own neurological factors signalling/instructing the brain, and it is not linear feeling in its nature, as the brain is.

What’s even more crazy, and already use collecting results, is Heart and brain coherence, which aparently can heal anything you can imagine, even save you from the wheelchair. And we already do have the old saying that love heals, and sayings are  usually also made of good reasons.

It’s not even magic. Its just nature. But nature is magical.

But, so love is intelligence, and that is why it’s a part of the natural meaning of life. Why You and I all are supposed to become more and more loving as we grow and as we age.


Love is intelligence and leads to wisdom. It’s something you grow into, so to say.
You can even say, that once we have suffered enough different things and grown our empathy, we have grown our being of love, and then it just keeps on from there, and at some point you’re willing and able to give your all for being there for another human that you care about. You’ll feel to be of help generally allong your way in life. And then you eventually you just begin to notice, that you have wisdom here and there regarding all sorts of things, and this also keeps growing, gradually forever on finetuning.


Travelling and Living abroard is one very helpful ingredient as a tool in your favour, to really get your life’s snowball rolling.

And so on this note
May every human grow into a being of love. For only they will ever grow wise❣️

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