If you never had pain, then you don’t know what it is, therefore you will not care to inflict pain, because human instinkt is to play experimentally until you understand, by which too many people have also been tortured to death in the past, in the name of science, as primitive as it started out, is basically its foundation, in other words, it is what it’s made of.

The more pain of all sorts you might encounter, the colder you become, if you’re not living from the heart, that is. Otherwise you’ll grow wisdom and become a highly empathic being, who can generally understand the complexities of life.

So yes, absolutely; No pain means no gain. And since you’re only here to experience for your growth, then you’ll keep going in circles, just as you’re used to the Hamster wheel life, and you’ll just be reliving the same similar life over and over untill you grow. And just as much as I feel so done here in this reality, just as much might it actually just be the contrast of the masses, telling me I’m done growing here, just because they haven’t even begun growing. But now if my humanity was breeding love, then they’d have a whole species of developed intelligence, meaning our world would be full of wisdom, and then perhaps the contrast of that would have me feeling something other than being done here. So instead I do feel that I’m probably just here to help affect the whole, and which probably happens mainly just through being pressent here. Because I have experienced so many times, that when I use words to share wisdom, then 90% of the time, the listeners who do not live from the heart, manage to turn that wisdom into something of the opposite kaliber, which always shows me that most people have to experience for themselves, instead of being given the answers. Simply because, most people are not even of love, to ever be ready for any wisdom.

Meanwhile, my species have in fact been traumatised by the ruling tyranny, generation after generation, so that now anxiety sits in the collective mind, which makes humanity in general a horribly fearful species. Yeah so much for that misunderstood factor of intelligence. And the fact of this matter is obviously, that living in constant stress of all sorts, especially plain fear keeps people in a self protective mode, which then logically equals no pain and therefore no gain. Numbed people is what my species have degenerated into. There’s no chance to grow from that petrified state of being.

And now since 2020, the tyranny has managed to make people just as much scared of each other, as our grandparents and great grandparents were, when the world war two was unfolding. So the past is not used to teach, even though it is set up to seem that way, it is just used to spread horrific fear in the depth of our being. Because if we had successfully learned from the past, then we would not be repeating it all, over and over again and again, not recognising it in its new outfit. The only thing the pretentious teachings have achieved, is to make humanity believe that its bad to even evil, if its not schooled and regulated by laws and restrictions. And that even though we’re born innocent and highly sensitive, which is the perfect basis for easily raising us with wisdom, to help w, such beings would of course grow very wise, and this would show that we don’t need any tyranny, any rulers etc. So the rich would fall within one generation, and so that is why we’re being bred into becoming this so called borderline retarded beings. So it is very liberating to know this.

My apologies, if most people reading this, might happen to be of that majority, because those will only get upset with the content here, instead of being able to understand. But those of you who get upset, don’t worry, you will start growing one day eventually, after many human lifetimes it will set in eventually.

The only ones who might never grow, are those who have no human emotion. Because that sensitivity of emotion, is to humans like whiskers are to a cat. Through that we have intuition, and intuition comes from this connection with the all knowing ~ the Ether, the invisible, the nothing, the space, God. So those who do not have that, are a bit of a mystery, since they anyway appear here as humans, while they are somehow not fully human, but are actually cold from their own nature, and hate it when they can’t relate to emotion. Such people are defined as psychopaths, yet again we’re so uneducated, that most people think a Psycho is a killer or so.

It is also not true that psychopaths are highly intelligent, since intelligence is of the heart and not of the brain, meaning that they are just smart and clever, not intelligent.

IQ ~ intelligence quota is an idea which sounds so cool, while it’s all in fact just total nonsense. If you’re feeling unwell, if you’re ill, then your score on such a test will not be optimal. But at the same time those skills of connection and intuition are not worsened, in fact they are often heightened, which is making you more sensitive than usual. Now that’s intelligence itself.

So the IQ tests can only measure how smart and clever, you might be. In other words, it measures how CALCULATING you are.

Mostly there are very good reasons for most old sayings, including this one.

No pain = no gain.

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