! Because most people think of themselves as not ignorant, no matter how ignorant they actually are!
A brilliant example of that, are all those who think they have a “type” of looks and likes to match them, in other words factors based on mere superficials, such as visuals (which obviously include such illusory things, as that of status).
One experiment that would give most people profound realisations within themselves and possibly cause a gradual change that solidly helps lead the way to the wellbeing of their natural/true happiness, from real/profound/authentic connection; would be to meet naked bodies with covered faces, chests and hands, and choose from this silent (non speaking) and hidden characters, as though they were just consumables.
This choise is then made “official” …
… but then you get to meet the characters of these bodies, now all dressed, (all participants being similar enough in size for you not to be able to recognise them with chlothes) so that you don’t recognise your impersonal choice/choices. Leading to making a choice now, obviously based in their fuller expression of person/self/character.
The results will surely be astonishing for most people (since most people are much like mere sheeple to say is as mildly and shortly as possible).
Many experiments based on the same ideas, of having the chase to make a consumer (useless eaters) choice, next to then making a choice based of the more real, pure, original, the authentic feeling of what actually truly matters for our more pure feeling of wellbeing.