Some men are well in touch with their feminine side. And no it is not a gay thing at all. All though many gays do tend to as if more naturally have that aspect in order. But it has nothing to do with the sexual aspect as such. Equally many women are more masculine in their energy, weather do to their development during growing up, or simply just due to the general circumstances of the environment that surrounds them.

The feminine side of us all is so to say the thing that connect us with our sixth sense, or higher senses if you will. And nothing comes without responsibility, and this is how it is then part of the purpose/”responsibility” of those of us with the stronger feminine, to inspire/support/assist the Masquline in reconecting or atleast be made well aware of their feminine, and in that to be taught about the existence of the world that goes beyond the physical reality’s common 5 senses. To atleast be aware of the fuller picture of existence so to say.

The feminine is divine, the earth itself is feminine, which is part of why it’s called mother earth. And divine should be treated as such.   Let’s put it as simply as we can, without loosing too much meaning and detail here;  We humans are overly indoctrinated by those who took on power and desperately faught in all and whatever ways they could see, to keep power, and to keep growing their power. This is how we have become lost, disconnected from ourselves and thereby from our own nature and of course in that from each other as well.

We see it in all aspects of our lives, and one can say that we see it especially, or more easily in the ways too many humans go about the sexual aspect of us. While the sexual aspect of us is the most intimate, the most sensitive, it is the sacred of our physical aspect, partly because it is accessing our higher feeling, one can say our soulful energy, as it is a case of the feminine surrendering to the masculine and literally allowing it inside, meaning two bodies melt together and become one, which we  otherwise only can, once we’re pure soul again, when we have left the physical body we’re back in Oneness. This is the reason why good feeling sex leaves us feeling so good, that we can feel as if high on life, and usually end up feeling love, and love is the all powerful healing energy. Yet once we become too unhealthy, we become more and more incapable of doing this physical act. At the same time, as long as we’re alive in this physical body, bad health remains so to say reversible. We can cure, heal, restore, recuperate, if we want that is.

In all sanity, which is healthy, the masculine is to approach the feminine humbly. Through that awakens sensitivity, and through sensitivity we touch soul, and through soul we get light and high feeling energies, that is the ralm of love, and from there comes those Uplifting healing effects. This is why it’s called lovemaking, because you are literally making love.

The so called opposite way of using this soul awakening physical aspect of us, is what you call having sex (as in having a meal, or purely consuming something), of which an even worse word is used, which yes you guessed it, is the vulgar word fucking. These intentions are obviously totally different, and since intention is everything the outcome is not healing at all, but rather the opposite, rather draining our energy.

Perhaps now at this point, it becomes more obvious for us to see how the further out versions of sexual acts, such as spanking, BDSM and such hardcore things are even worse, or shall we say total disharmony. Such things come out of damage, or better said corruption of one’s being, which we could well compare to that of broken bones that have either not been looked after correctly, or not been looked after at all, so that they have grown back together all wrong, as in all twisted. And again everything is repairable so to say, but it hurts, in other words, it is a hard process to go through. We have to break those bones again, ~ we have to break those so called habits, and go through a whole reset process, ~ a whole recuperating process. We could call it getting back to innocence. And innocence is by far the most precious personal aspect of ourselves. It is the very purity, through which we are connected with our divine feminine, and thereby with our own pure self, our soul.

2 thoughts on “How Women Have The Power

  1. Hello Mila=:)

    I like Your imagination and reality… I really enjoyed.. I like to read Your point of view and You have wisdom.. it is a priceless .. value!… I wish You success and I hope one day You will become a popular writer and you will be able to write Your own book about life and human behaviour …. =:)!best regards=:)

  2. well I dont believe in love between man and everyone mostly want adventure for one night and make their “dirtttttty” fantasy come true.. PEOPLE DON’T have any time for love and relationship.. they want sex for one night and using some toys…instead of meeting a girl in the restaurant or bar.. they prefer writting some.emails or sms ..because it is the most easy way.. than go out and meet someone.. Many guys prefer escort service …and pay for sex… Because they are lonely singles or they got.bored of their wife or girlfriend.. and they need to.have sex with someone very fast without feelings and emotions… Anyway there is no love.. Maybe 20 year’s ago u could find some big love story but not today. Today the most important its status money and power…of woman and man. People dont respect each other especially in is really sad…

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