Religious ones carry a message of believing that such things as tarot readings and so forth of other magical things are forbidden. Some will even say that you get cursed by participating in any such things. But here we go again with indoctrinations that are purely there to keep the masses in the dark, to keep them struggling, so that they remain in a low vibration.

The reasons for that are quite simply, that when people in a low vibration, they are incredibly easy to control. This is because fears of any and all sizes, make us rather disconnected from source, and similar to as if being slightly retarded. So in order to controll the masses, it is actually necessary to keep them as disconnected as possible, which generally keeps them away from the high vibrational state of being.

Let’s use tarot readings as an example here. If you dive into the world of tarot with an open and flexible mind, not taking any of it too literally, but perhaps rather more metaphorically and symbolically, then as time goes on you should notice that it makes you more at ease, more optimistic, because it teaches you to enterpret your reality (with all its situations and people) more possitive more of the time. The general result of that is, that you see less negatively and worry less (worry is also a low vibration). And there are no real limits to how many readings a week or per day you can have. As long as you begin to generally percieve more as they display to be doing.

The general tarot Readers are always enterpreting things analytically and metaphorically into wise and thereby mostly all Possitive things. Over time this helps you to get away from pessimism, selfpitty, worry, meaninglessness, and all such negativ feeling low vibration states of being. You begin to percieve good opportunities and possibilities, and see the meaningfulness and the depth in things.

As you stop worrying and all that, your vibration elevates. And as your vibration begins to maintain being higher rather than lower most of the time, your life and luck starts to change, because you resonate with the good feeling things, and don’t let the bad feeling things fool you into any lengths of misery anymore.

Being curious and experimental of character, I have tried enough things out to have come to notice the effects that most Tarot readers tend to have on us, and it’s all good good very good influence❣️

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