Let's be informed, so we can know what to do! Here is life important info. https://youtu.be/e-l1gro7wFU
How Women Have The Power
THE DIVINE FEMININE Some men are well in touch with their feminine side. And no it is not a gay thing at all. All though many gays do tend to as if more naturally have that aspect in order. But it has nothing to do with the sexual aspect as such. Equally many women are…
High Feeling Natural Healing State
FEBRUARY 27, 2021I don't know anyone else who has experienced living in an extacy like feeling state, without taking any drugs or stimulants that is. And neither have I ever come Accross any studies, that found any way for humanity, or a human, to get into such a good feeling healing state of being (ecxept…
Happiness Anytime 🔑
🗝️ Generally By Nature, The Keys To Happiness are a few, but we are all born with them. Those keys are, your innocence and purity, your sensitivity, and your humor. Yes Humor is natural, that's why babies can laugh as well. And all these natural human things (that we're calling key here), run through the…
How To Deal With Depression (now edited)
First of all, in dealing with depression, never ever fall for the idea that there is something wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with you. In fact if you're healthy, if you're sane, if you're intelligent l, then too many things in this world should seem all too disturbing to just remain obviously blindly…
She was 8 and I was 9. We were both in the after-school place. I was still pretty new there, but playing with playmobile stuff with some unmemorable-to-me friend, and we had pretty much just begun, as Ann-Carina arrived with a girlfriend who was asking us, if they could play along. We both accepted the…
When we give in with or without ego at the wheel.
When we give in, as something have become too much for too long, naturally causing your system to become dysfunctional. Either you can't sleep, or can't wake up properly or both. You don't wanna be social, perhaps you don't even feel like going outside in the grey cold city winter scenery. Till eventually you don't…
* What Is Learned From Abuse
This article can help ispire people to figure out/notice what they have learned from the hard times and/or any abuse.
Almost 100% Of Us Are Medicine Consumers