I knew things, even before I had the human words, the vulcabulary to say them.
What Noone Believed Would Ever Happen
Humans know nothing much about themselves, of course this factor keeps them, all too easily, enslaved through their own ignorance. What Noone Believed Would Ever Happen, is happening after all, and now since a while, so I know it's not just some joke or some passing mistake as such, but actually fully intended and seriously…
What Conspiracies Are Made Of
Systemic corruptions, such as those of the big pharmaceutical industry for example!, are what induces fears (which = stress (which by the way kills in one say or the other)), but it also sparks curiosity for some to investigate. Those who investigate properly, such as for example The Corbet Report, which is run by a…
Best Teachers
Fck (excuse my code language) a teacher can make or break the meaning of life. They either light up curiosity in you, or put the lights out. A good teacher will make you discover for yourself that the juices of life are in the depths of thing. Like to know someone deeply, knowledge about anything…
Blind Spots
There's all these blind spots in life. We encounter them all the time, on a daily basis. They exist in all shapes and forms, types and shades, and so forth. And on all levels of life and all things. Blind spots can be anything. People saying something but feeling or thinking totally differently, and leaving…
How True Is “No Pain No Gain”
If you never had pain, then you don't know what it is, therefore you will not care to inflict pain, because human instinkt is to play experimentally until you understand, by which too many people have also been tortured to death in the past, in the name of science, as primitive as it started out,…
Science Is As Poor From The Tyranny, As The Masses
Science keeps claiming that it knows we can not have any real memory before the age of 3-4 years old. While I have several memories from before then, which happen to prove that it is simply just a matter of impression on the little one. If the impression of a moment is big enough, that…
Noticing My Obsession
It's interesting how I'm noticing the whole time, where all my writing keeps going. It looks like some obsession, and it feels full of urgency. But then I like the idea, that if something is urgent, then a sane human would become as if obsessed till the task is done, or till the issue has…
Welcome To The Era Of Technological Stangnance & Institutional Failure ~ OPPORTUNITY
AN ARTICLE FROM SmilaZ ON MEDIUMIt is always best to take one’s own part in times of change, then to passively just leave it up to the rest. While it is obvious that we are in Times Of Change, most people feel like everything is being taken away from them, leaving them empty handed and…
To Know Love
To know love, say from that someone who knows you really, who can tell from your face if you're deep in thoughts that don't feel good, or if something is hurting your wellbeing feeling. That is love. To know love, from that someone who knows you really, to whom you can speak your mind of…