SmilaZ Expla-Quotes

Don't stress. Have no fears. Make space for the Magic in your life.  ~  Fears are such things as worries, hurt feelings, jealousy and envy. In general all non-good feeling things are stress og different intensities, which all cause your body to create toxin within itself, and is why we say stress kills.  Trying to controll everything,…

People About ‘SmilaZ’

HVEM ER SMILAZ !?What people have said ...According Miss Nwosu (Holland/USA)musical actress and long time friend,  also a former colleague of SmilaZSmilaZ is ahead of her time about the world and many things, she's wise. And she's a problemsolver. She's a very loyal friend, with you all the way. She's a very good songwriter, and…

SmilaZ Today! A Bit Far Out

I have noticed something rather far out, silly, ridiculous but also outrageous, perhaps even a crazy kind of brilliant to many people. Or maybe totally pathetic to most. Well, it has come to my attention that aparently I write sentences of over a hundred words 😗...and as I know me in what feels like long…

Magic Night Memories

A tiny moment from the whole SAILING FILM(drama/psycho-thriller) "STÜCK WITH THE DEVIL IN PARADISE" And while that sounds like the state of the entire world these days… Nothing is permanent and everything is always possible, no matter what. So you choose! But anyhow, … I already know now, THAT, THIS IS THE BEST OF ALL…

And my friend Bent told me

It was on the phone, well in a WhatsApp call, with one of my few closest friends, Bent from Denmark,  he is fun company, but not exactly funny as such otherwise, and he was telling me some old story from when he was a kid. Perhaps if you visualize, countryside life.... A girl Bent knew…

New Video Footage!  YES! Now I’m curious. 

Cool, I like feeling curious, so this is great. Something exiting and fun. And next, immediately I'm suspecting my iPad for being outdated for this kind of task, again. But I optimistically go for it and open the files ... and this is what I got ! Yep!, that is all we get for now…

• Poetisk Dansk • DEDIKERET TIL: Henrik

Er det mon ikke dumt at vere blind hvis man godt kan se? Livs-spørgsmålene som vi stiller / Tegnene som vi søger, svarene er til at få øje på over alt omkring os, men de er meget fine/forsigtige/sublime/stilheds-krævende/følsomheds-krævende/universal-kærligheds-krævende. Her er en bid uf af livet fra der hvor menneskets blindhed findes. Når noget helt naturligt, som var det skæbne, viser hvorfor verden er så hærget som den er. Når man får sjancen for at opdage, at der er mere i livet, end bare ens egen bitte verden og ens eget ego syn, at der er mere imellem himmel og jord, at der er sjæl i mennesket, som de fleste (fårefolk) dræber langsomt inbyrdes selv.