Seeking highly intelligent life on earth! “MAYDAY MAYDAY – SOS”

Here is a small and simple example, to draw some of the explanation from, as to why most non-germans, say that Germans are so cold.

Ignorant/SmartAss-replying, instead of giving a straight/a real/a normal/an intelligent ~efficient/useful answer.

So many words exchanged, in place of a simple Yes or No.

And yet, this particular german, believes, that he is all Right, and does not need to learn and grow anymore.

AND!, never even mind!, that he was the closest person to me for yeeeaars! But anyway so cold ~ unpleasant!


Can anyone PLEASE tell me, why this is, and how it can be!? Because I can’t bare the ignorance anymore. After 7 years of living in Germany, I dont wanna live with such humans anymore. ..more than ever I just wanna get of this planet.

Another thing that I have never noticed anywhere else in the world, but here. Repeatedly! Is how people neglect their homes and things.

Not only do these people (at least here in Berlin) only wash the dishes on the side where the food or drink has been.

So more often than not, you take out a supposedly clean cup, and find traces of lipgloss on the outer side. …annoys you off whe your tea is already in there.

Or, you take out a plate, expecting it’s clean, when it’s in the cupboard, or on the driprack, right!? …but then your fingers get sticky or greasy from tuching it, damn it! Bon appetit.

And then there is also things like this everywhere …

And most things done, are done like … well this is just one good example. And these are men!, who have this flat here for example, hello!?

…same room, just the lower part of it, which you sort of trip over and wobble on. Haha..

Andbthen they buy the best quality of things, like this vacuum cleaner. But when you use it, you wonder why would a obviously very good quality thing like this suck so bad!? Literally! And then it dawned on me; Oh yeah wait!, I’m in Berlin! So it must be that the bag inside is either missing, which would mean the filtration etc. is all messed up inside, or!, if I’m just a bit lucky, then the bag has never been changed and is about to explode in there!? Well, I was lucky. …and even enough to find a new bag that fits. Wow!? Unbelievable in all ways.

~ obviously most of these people, do not treasure anything that they have. Not even, and worst of all, each other.

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